You've selected your destination for your next holiday and decided to stay in an aparthotel on the Île de Ré? Discover tips from our hotel on Île de Ré to help you choose the right aparthotel and avoid any unpleasant surprises! Also, find out the top 8 benefits of staying in an aparthotel.
Research on Reliable Websites
The first tip to help you choose a good aparthotel is to do your research on reliable sites such as,, Nemea, or Airbnb. Listings on these sites are generally verified before being published.
Refine Your Search Criteria
To find the aparthotel that best suits your needs, refine your search criteria:
- What are the dates of your stay?
- How many people?
- Which city?
- What star rating?
- …
Reading Reviews Carefully
Previous guest reviews can help you make an informed choice about your future apartment hotel. If you find many negative reviews, there's likely an issue. However, remember that not all criticism is relevant. Focus on the essentials rather than the minutiae: location, cleanliness of the apartment hotel, and the quality of services offered.
Analyzing the Photos
Do not consider apartment hotels that do not provide enough photos. These are crucial as they help you immerse yourself in the world of the apartment hotel and gauge the quality of the accommodation.
Checking Comfort
Comfort is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing an apartment hotel. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:
- What is the size of the accommodation?
- What about the quality of the furniture?
- Does the apartment hotel have a balcony?
- ...
Inquiring About Location
Staying in an apartment hotel offers total independence. You have the ability to cook and manage your own entry and exit times. But living independently means you need to shop for groceries. To avoid any inconveniences, learn about the location of the apartment hotel and check if there are shops nearby. Also, ensure that the neighborhood is safe and quiet.
Checking Cancellation Policies
Cancellation policies vary depending on the booking site. For instance, on, you can cancel without charge until a few days before your reservation dates. However, this is not the case with all sites.